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The Environment Friendly Cleaning Solution

Specially formulated for the print industry to clean all aspects of ink related areas, Print Wizard is environmentally sustainable, people friendly, non-hazardous and workplace safe.

Print Wizards innovative cleaning solution combines the latest sustainable chemical technology with the ‘micriolysis’ process to penetrate and lift out ink like no other cleaner. It is a unique and very versatile cleaning solution, ideal for tackling all areas of the printing workplace that are associated with ink, dirt, oil and grease.

Mixed with water to a 10% dilution, Print Wizard lifts out ink and removes staining like no other cleaner. This powerful cleaning solution can replace multiple other cleaning agents. It can be used across many cleaning applications and is capable of cleaning many areas within the workplace!

Print Wizard cleans stainless steel, plastic, ceramic, carbon fibre, glass, wood, rubber, metal, vinyl flooring, stone paving and more! Print Wizard can be used in conjunction with automated dosage systems linked to bucket washes and plate cleaning systems that are widely used within the printing industry.

Print Wizard will enable you to remove additional cleaning products (gels, acids, heated solutions etc), creating space, saving time, water and money. Rusting and corrosion of mechanical machinery and fittings are avoided. In addition, Print Wizard is non-hazardous, requiring less safety documentation and training than most other cleaning solutions. Members of the workforce can feel safe and have no concerns about their health and safety when using Print Wizard.

Multiple Use Cleaning Solution

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Print Wizard is available in 1 litre, 5 litres, 20 litres, 200 litres and 1000 litres concentrate.

Print Wizard is also available ready to use @ 10% dilution (on request).

ALL Print Wizard containers are reusable, return after use and we can refill to help generate a ‘zero waste solution’ for your company.

Blending and manufacturing of Print Wizard has now commenced in Europe, allowing easier distribution and reduced shipping costs. To ALL European companies wishing to test Print Wizard please get in contact with us for any further information / assistance.

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